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Month: April 2016

Florist’s Garden Series: April Fillers and Spillers

Blossom and Branch NC

April in North Carolina is really when the flower season begins.  All of the cool flowers (hardy annuals) begin to bloom along with most of the bulbs and spring vines.  Its a riot of colors in the garden and a welcome excuse to finally be outside. Fillers for April: Bachelor Buttons Orlaya Love in a […]

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Florist’s Garden Series: April Thriller

Blossom and Branch NC

Spring has to be one of the most anticipated seasons for a gardener.  Finally getting to get back outside with the flowers tending and growing things.  Most of the spring flower began opening up in mid-March and April this year with most of the tulips opening in April. The  thrillers for April include: Tulips Narcissus […]

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A Floral Easter Brunch

Blossom and Branch NC

This year Easter fell right  when the tulips were in full bloom here in NC.  All the gorgeous colors went stunningly with my clearance Homegoods tablecloth and Jadeite look accessories  (mason jar mugs and salt and pepper shakers) from Sur La Table. The garden was blossoming with tulips, narcissus, early rannunculus, anemones, peach blossoms, lavender, […]

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