I am so excited about all the flowers I will be growing this spring. I will have many old favorites returning, as well as adding many new-to-me and more unique bulbs. The easiest way to see them all is to visit my Pinterest board. Click Here.
Some of the new bulbs I have added this year included different kinds of Fritillaria. I have heard from designers that this is a hard to get favorite and with its dark and unique colors I see why. I can’t wait to see how they perform in the garden and vase. (Left to right – Fritillaria Melegris, Persica, Uva vulupis)
What I love about these, are they are such a unique element when used in a bouquet or arrangement. Brides.com featured this stunning bouquet by Kate Osborne as well as this cake decorated by Jose Villa in a recent article on Fritillaria, click here to read the article for more inspiration using this unique bulb.
Although I planted only a few, there are also a yellow and orange fritillaria. I love the green tuft that comes out the top of the flower. It is used in this beautiful bouquet by Valley Flower Company in the article as well. (The Fritillaria is the orange flower top right)
This is another new to me flower. Its beautiful white nodding head with green tips is just stunning. It blooms May-June and is 16-20 inches tall.
I love this simple white and green bouquet by Blue Poppy.

This gorgeous mono-flowered bouquet of just snowdrops is just lovely.

Lastly, look how the snowdrops add a whimsical detail to this bouquet by Ellasminde on her instagram.

Lastly, I am excited to try quite a few different kinds/colors of muscari (grape hyacinth) this year in the garden. Although they have shorter stems, I have seen them worked into many arrangements. I have used them as a theme in the garden so I have planted hundreds this year to get the below effect using pink tulip, white daffodils, and multiple blue muscari. Muscari blooms in mid spring.

These are some of the beautiful shades of muscari I got this year, the first is common Grape Hyacinth, the second is muscari azureum, and the last is muscari paradoxum. This is my first year growing them, but I am so excited to try them in the garden.
Look at these three beautiful bouquets featuring muscari and other blue blooms for Martha Stewart Weddings article here.
This is but a small list of what will be growing in the garden this coming spring. I will keep my Instagram updated as all the varieties begin to bloom for availability and I will sell them in bunches.
Stay tuned for more blog posts on flowers that are being grown for the Spring 2018 season.