Pick up a spring bouquet at Defined Coffee. See more information below.

Florist’s Garden Series: April Thriller

Blossom and Branch NC

Spring has to be one of the most anticipated seasons for a gardener.  Finally getting to get back outside with the flowers tending and growing things.  Most of the spring flower began opening up in mid-March and April this year with most of the tulips opening in April. The  thrillers for April include: Tulips Narcissus […]

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A Floral Easter Brunch

Blossom and Branch NC

This year Easter fell right  when the tulips were in full bloom here in NC.  All the gorgeous colors went stunningly with my clearance Homegoods tablecloth and Jadeite look accessories  (mason jar mugs and salt and pepper shakers) from Sur La Table. The garden was blossoming with tulips, narcissus, early rannunculus, anemones, peach blossoms, lavender, […]

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Florist’s Garden Series: March in the Garden

This year spring came very early in North Carolina.  We had a mild winter and it seemed like everything woke up earlier than usual. In March there are not as many fillers or spillers as in other months, as most of the greenery is waking back up and there are not a lot of supporting […]

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February Floral Crowns

Blossom and Branch NC

Last February I had the pleasure of making flower crowns for a local business, Chapter 2 Boutique’s Sweetheart photo shoot of their spring clothes.  The photography was done by You Make Me Shutter Photography. The girls looked great in the various crowns.  One of my favorites is the baby’s breath and rose crown. This daisy […]

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The Evolution of a Garden

Blossom and Branch NC

One of the things I always wonder when I see a beautiful, filled in garden in the magazines or in books, is how did they get it that way? By the time we are seeing these inspiring gardens, the owners have probably been working on them for at least 5 years or more (unless they are on a TV show on HGTV). Most people’s garden evolve over time.

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