Pick up a spring bouquet at Defined Coffee. See more information below.

Florist’s Garden Series: May in the Garden

I had been wanting to write a few posts this year that documented what flowers are growing locally here in which months in North Carolina.  I am going to seperate them in to a well-known classification of:  Thrillers, Fillers, and Spillers.   Most commonly known as a way to fill containers in the garden, I think […]

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Happy Cinco De Mayo

This weekend I decided to make a flower crown with all of the wonderful ranunculus in bloom in the garden.  All the bright colors reminded me of a fiesta. The anemones are still hanging in there despite the heat, but its exciting to see the roses are finally starting to bloom.  I also added some […]

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Stop to Smell the Roses

One of the things that inspired me to want to become a boutique flower grower, was the lack of roses that really smell like roses in the market place today.  There are thousands of roses out there, yet, we only see such a limited variety in the market, and so many of those have been […]

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Tips to Grow your Seed Collection

Each year when all the seed catalogs start coming in the mail, its all I can do to keep from buying everything I see. To keep spending under control, I have come up with a few tips to keep grow my seed collection without draining my bank account.

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