From Seed to sold-out, bloom your flower farm business with this planner!
This planner came from pages I made up in my notebook last year when I started flower farming full time. I had an idea of things I wanted to track and projections I wanted to make, and there just wasn’t anything like it premade that I could find online or Etsy.
One of the main pages in my notebook was my Farm Income Projection page. This is where I took the amount of sales I wanted to make for the year and divided it up between the months that are in my growing season. This number gave me something to shoot for each week. It helped me track which months were the most profitable, and which months I needed to add another offering to so I could make more income.
Another thing I kept was an income worksheet. This is where I figured out how much to pay myself, what I was setting aside for profit and taxes, and what was left for my expenses based on the money that was coming in from sales. This is following the Profit First method from a book by Mike Michalowicz.
With this being my second season as a full-time farmer, I also wanted to start projecting the income of certain flower crops. This came to be the Flower Forecasting sheet. There you can project how much a particular crop will make you this season by estimating the amount of stems you will grow x price per stem you can receive for it. Finding the number of stems per plant is helpful for this sheet from the seed packet or another source.
I also have a bouquet subscription in the spring at my farm, so I went ahead and made a sheet to keep track of subscribers names and dropoffs, their emails, as well as made a Bouquet Recipe Worksheet. The recipe worksheet is a great way for me to make sure my bouquets are staying within the cost parameter I set for them. It also lists the main types of flowers needed to make a well-rounded bouquet, so it helps me think through what I need for each bouquet. I can see what I have growing on the farm that week and plan out what I will include.
A monthly recap sheet, lets me see at a glance what all is going on that month. There are boxes for each of weeks 1-4 to write down events and earnings for the week. I have a place for retail markets, wholesale, expenses, and notes.
The last seven pages focus on aspects of growing the flowers. There is a seed tracker and schedule. A place to keep track of plugs, bulbs, and dahlias I have purchased and on what date they will be arriving. There is also a Harvest Record sheet that I can make copies of and hang in the studio on the cooler door to keep track of how many stems I have grown of each flower.
This is my first year using this planner, so I will continue to refine it and make improvements.
I hope that this planner will you be profitable and organized on your flower farm this year.
This planner is available as an instant download on Etsy and consists of 14 digital PDFs that you print out at home to use. You can purchase it on Etsy here.