This will be my second year year growing heirloom mums. The first year I had six varieties. This year I added 12 more new varieties to the garden, and fell in love with mums even more. These aren’t your typical store bought mums.
This will be my second year year growing heirloom mums. The first year I had six varieties. This year I added 12 more new varieties to the garden, and fell in love with mums even more. These aren’t your typical store bought mums.
April in North Carolina is really when the flower season begins. All of the cool flowers (hardy annuals) begin to bloom along with most of the bulbs and spring vines. Its a riot of colors in the garden and a welcome excuse to finally be outside. Fillers for April: Bachelor Buttons Orlaya Love in a […]
Spring has to be one of the most anticipated seasons for a gardener. Finally getting to get back outside with the flowers tending and growing things. Most of the spring flower began opening up in mid-March and April this year with most of the tulips opening in April. The thrillers for April include: Tulips Narcissus […]
This year spring came very early in North Carolina. We had a mild winter and it seemed like everything woke up earlier than usual. In March there are not as many fillers or spillers as in other months, as most of the greenery is waking back up and there are not a lot of supporting […]
After reading about heirloom mums on Floret Flowers and Love -n- Fresh Flowers blogs in 2013, I was excited to try these beautiful flowers in the garden. Unfortunately in 2014, there was a catastrophic failure with the mums at King’s Mums and I had to put it on hold for a year. Under new ownership […]